16 Februari 2013

i'm Balinese

this is me wearing a Balinese custom clothing. and I very very very love it !

1 komentar:

  1. The official channel of "youtube" channel for "youtube" channel - Videodl
    youtube channel for "youtube" channel. https://twitch.tv/t2k4-9Yl2Z. youtube mp3 Watch. 0.2K. 0.8K. 0.6K. 0.2K. 0.5K. 0.5K. 0.4K. 0.6K. 0.5K. 0.5K. 0.6K. 0.1K. 0.1K. 0.0K. 0.1. 0.1K. 0.1.
